Monday, October 27, 2008

Wonderful Wave Conference

We are just back from the Wave Conference in Virginia Beach. ( The conference featured great speakers and top of the line worship.  We were so encouraged, not just by the word and the worship, but also by the fellowship with people from across the country and around the world.  Speakers this year included:

Three cheers to Pastors Steve and Sharon Kelly and their team for a job well done on putting together a great conference in their new facility.  I know there were challenges, but you did a fantastic job.

Pastors Steve and Sharon have been providing leadership in Virginia Beach for ten years.  They have taken a wounded church, brought healing and infused it with life through sharing a vision that is bigger than this church has ever been.  They didn't stop with the vision, they have gone on to build a team that has provided the leadership that it has taken to lift this church to greatness.  I like something Pastor Steve said this week.  "Don't try and build a great church, build great people.  A great church is the fruit of great people."

Having been in lots of churches over the course of the past year, it was a refreshing time to be back at the Wave Church.  They are friends and families to us and always make our visit full of life and encouragement.

I would invite you to make plans now for next year's Wave Conference.  It well be held August 5-7, 2009.  You can register now by calling (757)481-5005.  See you there!

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