Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cheer Them On

Some people in our lives just make our day.  They are beacons of faith and hope in our world.  When the turbulence of life becomes overwhelming, we look to them as the lighthouse of hope and find our way through the storm.  For us, Cliff and Christie Graham (http://unisonharvest.com/) are just those kind of people.

Cliff and Christie are missionaries to the youth of the world.  They design and build youth rooms in local churches, do youth conferences and camps internationally, and travel at breakneck speed around the globe for the sake of the Gospel.  They deserve to be in the category of heroes for their tenacity in the face of adversity, their passion in the midst of an ambivalent world, and for their unwavering commitment to take the Good News of the Gospel to those who are shaping the future.

I have watched them go through things that would have sidelined the average minister and bankrupted the common believer, but not them.  They clung to the truth of the Word, encouraged themselves in the faithfulness of God, and accomplished the impossible.  We love them as if they are our own family, because they are.  We have the same Father.

Pastors, believers, this is the kind of ministry that we should be supporting.  No they aren't celebrities, they don't have a mega-church, they don't do the Christian TV circuit, but they are getting the job done, just doing what Jesus called us to do.  If you get a chance, sit down with them, hear their heart, let them challenge you to a new level of faith, a new level of service, and a new perspective on what it means to take this Gospel to the nations.

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