Monday, October 13, 2008

What Makes A Church Worthwhile?

My wife and I were talking yesterday about what it is that keeps people hooked up to a church.  If you know us you might not be surprised that we have very differing views on many subjects, Lynn being a "Purple" person and me being "Crimson Red," but on this we have agreement.  People hook up with a church that touches their deepest needs, the needs of the inner man.

My mother-in-law feels the need to be brow beaten and told what a sinner she is, thus she is drawn to those who preach a fiery message of damnation and judgment.  My brother is eagerly anticipating the end of the world and is drawn to those who claim a special prophetic anointing.  I myself am drawn to those who preach "the whole counsel of God", that is, the Bible "from Genesis to Maps" as my pastor used to say.  I want practical Christian teaching for practical Christian living.

I was listening to Joel Osteen the other day and realized what it is that draws tens of thousands to his church.  Joel is an encourager, a cheerleader of champions.  After being under his ministry you feel like you can take on the devil, overcome temptation, and even walk on water if the need arose.  Isn't this what church is about?  Anyone can tell you you're a sinner, and it wouldn't even be a revelation.  All have sinned, and all know it.  The question is, who can give you a cure and lead you out to victorious Christian living?

Sometimes I come out of a service and wonder why people go to the church I just visited?  The pastor may say what the Bible says, but he says it with condemnation or condescension and you come away feeling depressed, beat down, and defeated.  Another minister can say the same thing with a different attitude and bring you to the place where you feel like you can overcome, be victorious, and live the life God intended.  Pastors, which message are you preaching?

I have come to really enjoy the ministry of Keith Moore. ( He doesn't mince words when talking about sin, but he gives you what you need to beat it.  When I get to preach, that is my goal as well.  I like hanging out with people like this, people who build up, lift up, and encourage from a genuine heart of love and compassion.  To me, these are the real world changers.

How does Jesus fit into all this?  I'm glad you asked!  If you look at the ministry of Jesus you see Him dealing with three groups:  unbelievers, the "traditional" church, and His disciples.  The only people he is consistently hard on is the "traditional" church.  They were supposed to be the ones giving people what they needed, and instead were blocking people's access to God and keeping them down and depressed.  Jesus gave the masses clear teaching that inspired them to rise to a level that was foreign to them, a level that was far above where they lived, but not unattainable.  He called on them to become what God had created them to be in the first place.  His disciples got a powerful look at both the teaching and how to walk it out as they lived with Jesus day in and day out.  Now it is our turn.

Pastors, be the beacon of hope to your sheep.  Take your staff to a place of transparency where they can see you walk out the principles you are teaching.  Build into your church a culture that sees those who are unbelievers as people worth pursuing.  Go out where they are and let them know what God has for them.  Let them hear the "Good News" that gives them hope and draws them to levels of life that they have never known before.  And, oh yes, take a stand against anything in religion that blocks access to the presence, love, and blessing of the Father.  Remember, Jesus died to give us free and unfettered access, don't be trying to rehang the veil that keeps people from God.  We need not not compromise the message, after all, the whole earth is "groaning in eager expectation waiting for the sons of God to be revealed."  You are the hope and inspiration of a world out of control.  They are looking for your leadership, go get 'em!

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