Saturday, November 22, 2008

Well Said

Each week I get an e-newsletter from a cherished friend in ministry.  Pastors Virgil and Judy Stokes pastor Faith Christian Fellowship in Tucson, AZ.  They have a real heart for missions that has resulted in an international impact that is worth emulating.  Please take a minute to hear this word of encouragement.

Posted: Saturday, November 22, 2008

Building People of Substance for Works of Power

Thank God for you! 


I went in for breakfast this morning and found Doña Maria Inez cooking eggs and chiles.  The odor of fresh tortillas was in the air.  We are in Nezahualcoyotl beginning the third day of a Bible School class: Sanidad Divina.  It is normal for her to be preparing breakfast, but what made this morning different was she was wearing an overcoat and head scarf because of the cold.  It has been chilly this trip, and in this humble Mexican home, there is no heat.  Last night, shortly before class started at 6, I was about to open my mouth to complain about my numbed extremities when I looked up and saw the room filling with students.  They were young and old, male and female, and all bundled up as they found seats in the stark concrete garage with double doors wide open for the cold breeze to blow in. Little kids played indoors dressed as if for a snowball fight.  I had to shut my mouth and marvel that 20 to 30 precious people were coming to sit for 2-4 hours a day on hard wooden benches in the dimly lit cold because they want to grasp a Message of faith that has the promise of freedom to them and the ones they love.


There is the pastor from Guerrero who rides a donkey up a mountain to preach, then walks to a bus, then a train to get here. Once here he sleeps in an unheated room with no door because he wants to be a better shepherd. There are the pastors of 2 churches where we will speak tomorrow.  There is 63 year old Don Roberto who will take us in the morning on his weekly 2 hour ride to another country church that he has started, and that is waiting for us to train a pastor for them.  There are teens preparing for ministry, children’s teachers, evangelists, musicians, and youth leaders, all striving to grow.  As we sit in our mostly padded pews this Sunday and enjoy the teaching of the Word over sound equipment oh-so-fine in auditoriums warm and comfy, it would be a good idea to utter a word of thanksgiving to the God who has entrusted us with such a precious commodity as this Word.  Never forget the high value that others place on the Message we so frequently take for granted.


Scripture Reading:  "Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful." (1 Corinthians 4:1-2 NKJV)


Somebody Said:  "Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple." - Barry Switzer


It is a privilege to be able to work with you in finding ways to get this Message to places and people that otherwise could not hope to receive it.  The sense of gratitude I have for what I have been given includes gratitude for each one who has teamed with us in the quest.  

Happy Thanksgiving.

Pastor Virgil Stokes

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Welcome to Pennsylvania

Erie Pennsylvania has become home to a new pastor, a church pioneer, and a man whose love for God is only rivaled by his love for people.  Phil Richiuso and his lovely wife Elaine have moved to Erie, PA, on the coast of one of America's Great Lakes, from the coastal pain of New Jersey.  They are stepping out in faith to plant a new church with the Four Square Churches.

We have known Phil and Elaine for almost two decades.  They have served in missions in Russia, Belarus, and other Soviet Block countries.  They are strongly committed to missions and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

These two understand the role and power of the Local Church.  They have faithfully served others, sown into the visions of those they served, and built the dreams of those who faithfully led them in the building of the Kingdom of God.  Now it is their turn to lead.

If you get a chance, come out, join the team, become part of the family and see what God will do.  Look out Erie, here comes the power of God!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pastor Appreciation

The Scriptures say, "How lovely on the mountains are the feet of them that bring good news."  Have you ever looked at feet, ugly.  Having been to nations where feet are subjected to rougher treatment than we have here, this statement takes on even greater irony.  But I know how very precious those who preach the Gospel are.

Saturday night was our annual Pastor Appreciation Banquet where we had the chance to honor those who have stepped up to lead the church to the destiny God has for it.  It can be a pretty thankless job, and I am always blessed to see people honor their pastor.

Pastors are people just like those they serve.  They have the same challenges, fight the same battles, and are expected to get it exactly right every time.  They don't, any more than you do.  We, as the people they serve, need to get in behind them and make them a success.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Long-term Relationships

This passed week we had the pleasure of sitting under the ministry of friends of 17 years, missionaries to Belgium and Europe.  Steve and Karen Yohe always bring a word in season, but their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and willingness to yield to His leading makes them powerful ministers.

The Yohes have faithfully served in Belgium since just after we met them.  They pioneered a church there and have based out of Belgium to do outreaches to Poland, Germany, and France.  They have been an inspiration to many who have been privileged to sit under their ministry.

There is a lot to be said for faithfulness.  In the face of adversity, trials, and challenges, they have stayed in faith, clung to what God has called them to do, the vision God has given them.

Steve and Karen have met the ultimate measure of success, they have obeyed God.  The exciting part is, they are not done.  The best is yet to come!