Thursday, November 6, 2008

Long-term Relationships

This passed week we had the pleasure of sitting under the ministry of friends of 17 years, missionaries to Belgium and Europe.  Steve and Karen Yohe always bring a word in season, but their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and willingness to yield to His leading makes them powerful ministers.

The Yohes have faithfully served in Belgium since just after we met them.  They pioneered a church there and have based out of Belgium to do outreaches to Poland, Germany, and France.  They have been an inspiration to many who have been privileged to sit under their ministry.

There is a lot to be said for faithfulness.  In the face of adversity, trials, and challenges, they have stayed in faith, clung to what God has called them to do, the vision God has given them.

Steve and Karen have met the ultimate measure of success, they have obeyed God.  The exciting part is, they are not done.  The best is yet to come!

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