Saturday, August 2, 2008

Christopher Laurie Moved to Heaven

Please pray for the family of Christopher Laurie, son of Pastor Greg Laurie. Christopher died in an auto accident leaving a pregnant wife, Brittany, and beautiful little girl, Stella. Oh that the Father would be their comfort and strength.

2008 has been a very tough year for us and for those who are our friends in ministry. I have lost so many friends and family that I don't want to go to one more funeral or memorial service this year.

How does one justify the losses of those who are righteous, those who are innocent, those with so much life to look forward to, and those who are taken from us far too soon? Teh reality is, you cannot. A beautiful, vibrant, and dedicated young woman taken on a country road in the dark of night, why? A darling and precious little girl taken in the middle of the night, how could this happen? A dear friend lost to us at the tender age of sixty-something, how could he go so young? Babies lost, friends passing, loved ones ... how can we make sense of it all? The reality is, you cannot. We have such a fragile existence, and it can so quickly gone, but we do not always keep the reality in perspective.

Two things stand out as I pray over such events, asking God for the insight and wisdom to deal with these tragedies. First, life happens. So much of what goes on is not a product of God's actions or the devil's diabolic plots. It is just life. We make bad decisions, take bad actions, and leave so much open to failure, all because we just didn't think or listen or obey like we should. Additionally, we have a real enemy who is out to steal from us, to kill us, and to wipe all memory of us out of existence. If we give him an opening, he'll exploit it. Don't let this be true of you.

Together we press on and get through the hard times, thank God. This is what the family of God is for, why we meet together, pledge ourselves to one another, and stand in intercession for our brothers and sisters. We need each other.

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