Monday, July 14, 2008

Building the Kingdom, One Friend at a Time

I spend lots of time on the road traveling to meet with those who are on the front lines of ministry. Some of those who I meet are purely by divine appointment are the most wonderful stories to hear. That was the case with my recent trip to Tulsa, OK.

Ministers all start somewhere, and Dave is just at the entrance ramp to ministry. As a student in his second year of bible school, Dave is learning what it means to flow in the gifting God has put on his life. I love talking to those whose level of anticipation and excitement about ministry is so fresh and encouraging.

Dave is experiencing the tangible leading and empowerment of the Spirit of God. He sees the vision of the ministry ahead of him and cannot wait to get going. He is investing himself in school, learning all he can. He has his values and priorities in order and will be a great man of God.

As one committed to the success of those in ministry, I love meeting people like Dave. They remind me of why the call of God is so powerful. They renew in me the excitement of following God in the course of daily life and ministry.

Those of you who have proteges coming up under your ministry, do all that you can to foster their excitement and encourage their vocation. The Father is seeking to use them, and your investment in them will not be in vain.

As for Dave, we will be praying for him on a regular basis, encouraging him every chance we get, and tracking his progress in ministry. What a great opportunity to be a part of what God is doing in the earth.

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