Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Get a Move On

I had a chance this week to help a friend in ministry move. He was not moving because he wanted to, but rather because he was forced to move. The church he had been pastoring fired him over what they felt were irreconcilable differences. You see, he actually expected those who were part of the leadership team to be in church more than once a month.

You and I may have trouble relating to this kind of a problem, but it is something that many pastors are faced with, the politics of church life. In a church where the pastor is not the final authority, which is more often than not, politics often decide the fate of those in ministry. Pastors are often kept distracted by the sniglets of church politics and are not free to pursue the call of God. The life of the church suffers, the pastor suffers, and the Body of Christ suffers as a result.

I never cease to be amazed at how many of my friends in ministry just quit and walk away. Call it frustration, burn out, or weariness, the fact of the matter is we lose those who have great potential and much to offer because, as one friend of mine put it, "sheep bite."

As you look at what is going on in your world, keep a proper perspective. The Bible says that pastors have two overriding priorities: prayer and the Word. (Acts 6:1-4) If the politics of church is getting you down, perhaps it is time to expand your team and delegate the things that distract you from your time with the Father and your ability to get a word in season for your church family. Remember, take care of yourself or you won't be able to take care of your church. Here's a great article that drives that point home. (http://www.pastorfinder.com/article.asp?article=Robert-Withers-Changing-Oil-Vacation-Re-creation)

If you are thinking of quitting, consider that you may just need someone to come along side you and encourage you. If you don't have anyone like that, call us, write us, email us, but don't let the devil steal your destiny. We are here to cheer you on to success and to see you become all God has called you to be. Don't wait; get a move on before you are forced to move on.

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